A publicação, editada por Peter Austin, Oliver Bond & David Nathan, reúne contribuições apresentadas em simpósio promovido pela School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) em dezembro de 2007. Incluem-se quatro artigos sobre línguas sul-americanas (em PDF): 'Aymara on the internet: a step toward interoperability and user access' (Howard Beck, Sue Legg, Elizabeth Lowe & M. J. Hardman), 'Responsive research and community involvement among the Brazilian Yanomami' (Gale Goodwin Gómez), 'Linguistic theory and fieldwork in interaction: the case of Pirahã' (Eugénie Stapert) e 'Theoretical and social implications of language documentation and description on the eve of destruction in Rondônia' (Hein van der Voort).
- Silêncio, nasalidade e laringalidade em línguas indígenas brasileiras (Rodrigues 2003)
- War of words over tribal tongue
- MPF apura presença de estrangeiro em terra indígena
- How Do You Say ‘Disagreement’ in Pirahã?
- Living the Language: Aymara (Bolivia)
- Acquiring Complexity: The Portuguese of Some Pirahã Men (Sakel 2012)
- You Can't Do the Math Without the Words: Amazonian Tribe Lacks Words for Numbers
- Pronoun borrowing (Thomason & Everett 2001)
- Person hierarchy and its implications: The case of Aymara (Filimonova 2002)
- Yanomami
- Jaqi
- Los Clasificadores Nominales del Yanomama de Papiu (Brasil) (Perri 2009)
- Does Language Shape What We Think?
- lenguasindigenas.cl
- Letras de Hoje
- Lost Languages
- Linguists doubt exception to universal grammar
- The Interpreter
- The Language of the Piraha
- Living without Numbers or Time