Radio Praha, 26/maio/2010 (1a. parte), 2/jun/2010 (2a. parte). "Alberto Vojtěch Frič was a Czech botanist, ethnologist and traveller, who earned fame in Bohemia, Europe, and parts of South America in the early 20th century. His first love from childhood was botany but early after his first travels to South America, his professional focus shifted from plants to the lives of indigenous peoples. During his excursions, he befriended the Chamacoco Indians at Gran Chaco in Paraguay, and on his third visit, learning that the tribe was being decimated by an unknown illness, brought one of them, Cherwuish (the son of a tribal leader) back for treatment to Prague." Parte 1Flash Player is no longer supported! Use instead. Parte 2Flash Player is no longer supported! Use instead. (1a. parte) |
- Les derniers indiens primitifs du bassin de Paraguay : Planches (Wavrin 1926)
- Os índios Chamacocos (Baldus 1927)
- Notas complementares sôbre os índios Chamacocos (Baldus 1931)
- Indianerstudien im nordöstlichen Chaco : Forschungen zur Völkerpsychologie und Sociologie (Baldus 1931)
- Chamacoco lexicographical supplement I (Ciucci 2013)
- Tracce di contatto tra la famiglia zamuco (ayoreo, chamacoco) e altre lingue del Chaco (Ciucci 2014)
- Parataxis, Hypotaxis and Para-Hypotaxis in the Zamucoan Languages (Bertinetto & Ciucci 2012)
- La flessione possessiva del chamacoco (Ciucci 2010)
- How the Zamuco languages dealt with verb affixes (Bertinetto 2010)
- Elementi di morfologia verbale del chamacoco (Ciucci 2009)
- Chamacoco
- Ciucci, Luca
- Bertinetto, Pier Marco
- Capítulo desconocido de la vida del viajero Alberto Vojtech Fric