Nature, May 9 2012. "[…] Because Everett has spent far more time than anyone else living among the Pirahã and studying their language (some eight years, by his estimate), it has been difficult for other researchers to evaluate his claims, says Jan-Wouter Zwart, a linguist at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. “All I know about Pirahã is from his grammar, and that’s true for all of us. We are typically dependent on a single person’s work.” Now, however, another researcher has collected independent data on Pirahã, and he says that his findings do not support Everett’s interpretation. At a presentation in April at MIT, Uli Sauerland, a linguist at the Centre for General Linguistics in Berlin, told the audience: “My evidence is that they can express attitudes, and what I think they use to do this is embedded sentences.” Sauerland is now preparing his data for publication." |
- Etnografia Indigena: (estudos realizados em várias regiões do Amazonas, no periodo de 1921 a 1926) (Gondim 1938)
- Alguns aspectos da ergologia mura-pirahã (Rodrigues & Oliveira 1977)
- A terminologia de parentesco mura-pirahã (Oliveira 1978)
- Os fonemas do mura-pirahã (Heinrichs 1964)
- Antropologia do parentesco : estudos ameríndios (Castro, org. 1995)
- Os povos indígenas e a Nova República (Cimi 1986)
- Os sufixos verbais múra-pirahã (Sheldon 1988)
- Nomes e cosmos : onomástica entre os Mura-Pirahã (Gonçalves 1990)
- Textos indigenistas (Nimuendajú 1982)
- As tribus do alto Madeira (Nimuendajú 1925)
- Notas preliminares sôbre núcleos oracionais contrastivos em Mura-Pirahã (Heinrichs 1967)
- Contribuições das línguas brasileiras para a fonética e a fonologia (Rodrigues 1984)
- The Mura and Pirahá (Nimuendajú 1948)
- The acoustic correlates of stress in Pirahã (Everett 1998)
- Silêncio, nasalidade e laringalidade em línguas indígenas brasileiras (Rodrigues 2003)
- MPF apura presença de estrangeiro em terra indígena
- How Do You Say ‘Disagreement’ in Pirahã?
- Acquiring Complexity: The Portuguese of Some Pirahã Men (Sakel 2012)
- Oliveira, Jr., Miguel
- You Can't Do the Math Without the Words: Amazonian Tribe Lacks Words for Numbers