Lingua Franca (ABC Radio National, Austrália), 9/fev/2008. "Marking the United Nations-declared International Year of Languages, as well as its goal to preserve and promote linguistic diversity, the linguist Alexandra Aikhenvald tells the story of her own multilingualism, which reflects the story of a country that no longer exists." |
- Upíperi Kalísi : Histórias de antigamente : História dos antigos Taliaseri-Phukurana (Barbosa & Garcia 2000)
- Contos e lendas mitológicas do povo tariano (Moreira 2001)
- A civilização indígena do Uaupés (Silva 1962)
- Moronguêtá : Um Decameron indígena (Pereira 1980)
- Notas de viagem ao rio Negro (Carvalho 1983)
- Jurupari: estudos de mitologia brasileira (Carvalho 1979)
- Incolas selvicolas (Brazil 1937)
- "La leggenda del Jurupary" e outras lendas amazônicas (Stradelli 1964)
- Problemas de comunicação na pesquisa antropológica (Beksta 1972)
- Usos e costumes dos selvicolas da Amazonia : Episodios missionarios : Prelazia de S. Gabriel (Salesianos 1936)
- Tenets of the unseen: the preferred information source for the supernatural in Tariana (Aikhenvald 2019)
- Hidden from women's ears: gender-based taboos in the Vaupés area (Aikhenvald 2019)
- Bridging linkage in Tariana, an Arawak language from northwest Amazonia (Aikhenvald 2019)
- 'Me', 'us', and 'others': expressing the self in Arawak languages of South America, with a focus on Tariana (Aikhenvald 2018)
- Leggende del Taria (Stradelli 1896)
- Lenda dos Taria (Stradelli 1993)
- The value of language and the language of value (Aikhenvald 2013)
- Aikhenvald, Alexandra (Sacha)
- A Story of Love and Debt: The Give and the Take of Linguistic Fieldwork (Aikhenvald 2013)
- Shifting language attitudes in north-west Amazonia (Aikhenvald 2013)