
Shelfmark: 26683
Title: Jabuti
Abstract: Vocabulary and phrases of the Jabuti language (also known as Djeoromitxi). Together with Arikapú, Jabuti belongs to the Jabutian family, which in its turn may be part of the Macro-Jê atock (Ribeiro and van der Voort, to appear). The material consists of four documents: (1) a small notebook containing Jabuti words and phrases with Portuguese or German glosses; the data are introduced as follows: “Amberé, etc. …. Jabuti (Swadesh)”; (2) a folded document with Jabuti words and phrases with Portuguese glosses (17 + 2 pages), entitled “Jabuti - Swadesh”, with the observation “Bleistift [=pencil] : Analia Rivoredo. Tinto [=ink]: Korrektur v. [=corrected by] Amberé, etc.”; (3) a folded document with Jabuti words and phrases with Portuguese glosses (42 pages), entitled “Jabuti”, with the observation “Analia Rivoredo (filha do Joaquim [irmão do Tomas Antonio]) [=Analia Rivoredo, daughter of Joaquim, brother of Tomas Antonio] ; document dated 26-1-’55; (4) 5 loose pages containing kinship terms in Portuguese with occasional Jabuti glosses.
Physical description: Handwritten notes in a notebook (21 cm. wide, 15 cm. high), two folded documents (17 cm. wide, 19 cm. high) and a set of loose pages (A4).
Provenance: Mrs Frauke Caspar, Switzerland

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Jabuti_part1of3.pdfPDF document18.18 MBInfo
Jabuti_part2of3.pdfPDF document18.13 MBInfo
Jabuti_part3of3.pdfPDF document19.94 MBInfo
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