Fieldwork among the Hawk people of the Brazilian Amazon (Moore 2017)
Autor: Moore, Denny
Data: 2017
Título: Fieldwork among the Hawk people of the Brazilian Amazon

Plungian, V.A. & O.V. Fëdorova (editors)
Life as expedition: a collection of articles for the 50th anniversary of A.E. Kibrik's and S.V. Kodzasova's school of field linguistics
968-1001 (text), p. 856-858 (photos)
Moscow: Buki Vedi

Título original da coletânea em russo: "Zhizn' kak èkspedicija: sbornik k 50-letiju shkoly polevoj lingvistiki A.E. Kibrika I S.V. Kodzasova"
ISBN: 978-5-4465-1388-8
Inclui 6 fotos (p. 856-858)

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