Dialectical societies : The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil (Maybury-Lewis, ed. 1979)
Autor: Maybury-Lewis, David (ed.)
Data: 1979
Título: Dialectical societies : The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil

xvi + 340 p., 1 mapa, índice remissivo
Cambridge: Harvard University Press


Charles Wagley - Foreword [contribuição etnográfica de Curt Nimuendajú, a quem o livro é dedicado]

David Maybury-Lewis - Introduction

Jean Lave - Cycles and trends in Krĩkatí naming practices

Julio Cezar Melatti - The relationship system of the Krahó

Roberto da Matta - The Apinayé relationship system: terminology and ideology

Joan Bamberger - Exit and voice in Central Brazil: the politics of flight in Kayapó society

Terence S. Turner - The Gê and Bororo societies as dialectical systems: a general model

Terence S. Turner - Kinship, household, and community structure among the Kayapó

David Maybury-Lewis - Cultural categories of the Central Gê

J. Christopher Crocker - Selves and alters among the Eastern Bororo

David Maybury-Lewis - Conclusion: Kinship, ideology, and culture

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