Autor: | Lyon, Patricia J. (ed.) |
Data: | 1974 |
Título: | Native South Americans : Ethnology of the least known continent |
Detalhes: |
Conteúdo: INTRODUCTION xi I - ATTEMPTS AT CONTINENT-WIDE TREATMENT Introduction 1 1 JULIAN H. STEWARD, American Culture History in the Light of South America 4 2 GEORGE PETER MURDOCK, South American Culture Areas 22 3 JOHN HOWLAND ROWE, A Review of Outline of South American Cultures 40 4 JOHN HOWLAND ROWE, Linguistic Classification Problems in South America 43 5 ARYON DALL'IGNA RODRIGUES, Linguistic Groups of Amazonia 51 6 MAX SCHMIDT, Comments on Cultivated Plants and Agricultural Methods of South American Indians 60 II - RELATIONSHIPS TO NATURAL RESOURCES Introduction 69 7 ROBERT L. CARNEIRO, Slash-and-Burn Cultivation Among the Kuikuru and Its Implications for Cultural Development in the Amazon Basin 73 8 WILLIAM M. DENEVAN, Campa Subsistence in the Gran Pajonal, Eastern Peru 92 9 CURT NIMUENDAJÚ, Farming Among the Eastern Timbira 111 10 FRITZ W. UP de GRAFF, Jívaro Field Clearing with Stone Axes 12 0 11 ROBERT L. CARNEIRO, Hunting and Hunting Magic Among the Amahuaca of the Peruvian Montaña 122 12 JOHN GILLIN, Barama River Carib Fishing 134 III - RELATIONSHIPS WITH ONE'S OWN KIND Introduction 137 13 ARTHUR P. SORENSEN, JR., Multilingualism in the Northwest Amazon 138 14 WALTER EDMUND ROTH, Trade and Barter Among the Guiana Indians 159 15 DARCY RIBEIRO, Kadiwéu Kinship 167 16 WILLIAM H. CROCKER, Extramarital Sexual Practices of the Ramkokamekra-Canela Indians: An Analysis 17 ROBERT F. MURPHY, Deviance and Social Control I: What Makes Warú Run? 195 18 ROBERT F. MURPHY, Deviance and Social Control II: Borai 202 19 MISCHA TITIEV, Social Singing Among the Mapuche 208 20 NIELS FOCK, Mataco Law 221 21 ANTHONY LEEDS, The Ideology of the Yaruro Indians in Relation to Socio-Economic Organization 226 IV - RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE SUPERNATURAL Introduction 235 22 JUAN VÍCTOR NÚÑEZ del PRADO B., The Supernatural World of the Quechua of Southern Peru as Seen 23 GERALD WEISS, Campa Cosmology 251 24 JULIO CEZAR MELATTI, Myth and Shaman 267 25 MICHAEL J. HARNER, The Sound of Rushing Water 276 26 KENNETH M. KENSINGER, Cashinahua Medicine and Medicine Men 283 27 GERARDO REICHEL-DOLMATOFF, Funerary Customs and Religious Symbolism Among the Kogi 289 28 GERTRUDE E. DOLE, Endocannibalism Among the Amahuaca Indians 302 29 PIERRE CLASTRES, Guayakí Cannibalism 309 V - REACTIONS TO ENCROACHMENT FROM OUTSIDE Introduction 323 30 ROBERT CHARLES PADDEN, Cultural Change and Military Resistance in Araucanian Chile, 1550-1730 327 31 M. INEZ HILGER AND MARGARET MONDLOCH, Surnames and Time and Distance Measurements Among the Chilean Araucanians 343 32 UDO OBEREM, Trade and Trade Goods in the Ecuadorian Montaña 346 33 PROTASIO FRIKEL, Notes on the Present Situation of the Xikrín Indians of the Rio Caeteté 358 34 ROQUE de BARROS LARAIA, "Polyandrous Adjustments" in Suruí Society 370 35 CHARLES WAGLEY, The Effects of Depopulation upon Social Organization as illustrated by the Tapirapé Indians 373 36 CHARLES WAGLEY, Cultural Influences on Population: A Comparison of Two Tupí Tribes 377 37 HERBERT BALDUS, Shamanism in the Acculturation of a Tupí Tribe of Central Brazil 385 38 ELMER S. MILLER, The Christian Missionary, Agent of Secularization 391 39 JOSÉ ALVAREZ, O. P., A New Tribe of Toyeri Savages 397 A GUIDE TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY 401 [falta o mapa desdobrável] |
- Notas sôbre dois dialetos do munduruku (Crofts 1967)
- The Canela messianic movement: An introduction (Crocker 1967)
- Haut-Amazone : Trois français chez les indiens réducteurs de têtes (Flornoy 1939)
- Casas do Brasil 2008: A casa xinguana (Guran & Fausto 2008)
- Grupos lingüísticos do território federal de Roraima (Migliazza 1967)
- With Graciela to the head-hunters (Boeldeke & Hagen 1958)
- Precisamos um chão : Depoimentos indígenas (Amarante & Nizzoli, orgs. 1981)
- The Canela since Nimuendaju : A preliminary report on cultural change (Crocker 1961)
- Canela relationships with ghosts: This-worldly or otherworldly empowerment (Crocker 1993)
- The Indian heritage of Brazil (Wagley 1951)
- Habitações indígenas (Novaes, org. 1983)
- Índios e brasileiros no vale do rio Tapajós (Las-Casas 1964)
- Ceremonial redistribution in Tapirapé society (Shapiro 1968)
- Tapirapé kinship (Shapiro 1968)
- Religión y magias indígenas de América del Sur (Métraux 1973)
- Estórias das épocas de pré e pós-pacificação dos Ramkókamekra e Apâniekra-Canelas (Crocker 1978)
- A terminologia de parentesco entre os índios Galibí e outros grupos karib (Arnaud & Alves 1975)
- Os índios Munduruku e o Serviço de Proteção aos Índios (Arnaud 1974)
- Catálogo Karajá : V Moitará Semana do Índio (Funai 1984)
- Possível Tradução da Cosmopolítica Amazônica a partir de uma Antropologia Compartilhada entre o Povo Indígena Apyãwa (Reis 2023)