Sobre o autor:
- Steward, Julian H. 1974. Robert Harry Lowie (June 12, 1883—September 21, 1957). Biographical Memoir, vol. 44, p. 175-212. Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences:
"His knowledge of South American Indians was stimulated by the visit to Berkeley in 1927 of Baron Erland Nordenskiold, who until that time was virtually the only ethnologist to have worked with the South American Indians. A few years later, Lowie happened to discover a German-born resident of Brazil, Curt Nimuendaju. This remarkable man had visited some of the least known tribes in eastern Brazil, the Ge-speaking Indians, and had written extremely full manuscripts on their culture. Lowie translated these into English. His interest in the general area became a lasting one, such that he was a major contributor to, and editor of, the Tropical Forest volume of the Handbook of South American Indians."
- Welper, Elena Monteiro. 2018. “Segredos do Brasil”: Curt Nimuendajú, Robert Lowie e os índios do nordeste. Revista de Antropologia, v. 61 n. 3: 7-51.
Obras disponíveis:
- American culture history (Lowie 1940)
- A note on the Northern Gê tribes of Brazil (Lowie 1941)
- Curt Nimuendajú papers (1914-1952) at the Bancroft Library (UC Berkeley)
- Eastern Brazil: an Introduction (Lowie 1946)
- Native languages as ethnographic tools (Lowie 1940)
- Property among the Tropical Forest and Marginal Tribes (Lowie 1949)
- Social and Political Organization of the Tropical Forest and Marginal Tribes (Lowie 1949)
- The Apinayé (Nimuendajú 1939)
- The Associations of the Šerénte (Nimuendajú & Lowie 1939)
- The Bororo (Lowie 1946)
- The Cariri (Lowie 1946)
- The dual organizations of the Ramko'kamekra (Canella) of Northern Brazil (Nimuendajú & Lowie 1937)
- The Eastern Timbira (Nimuendajú 1946)
- The Guck (Lowie 1946)
- The Jeico (Lowie 1946)
- The kupá, a cultivated plant of the Timbira of Brazil (Nimuendajú 1940)
- The Northwestern and Central Ge (Lowie 1946)
- The Pancararú (Lowie 1946)
- The Šerente (Nimuendajú 1942)
- The Southern Cayapó (Lowie 1946)
- The "Tapuya" (Lowie 1946)
- The Tarairiu (Lowie 1946)
- The Tropical Forests: An introduction (Lowie 1948)
- The Tukuna (Nimuendajú 1952)
Links externos:
- Wikipedia: [en]